Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Meet The Truck


Allow me to introduce my truck, it's a 1997 Ford F-150.


  As you may see, it's not in mint  condition, but that's the reason I bought it. I'm fixing it up and adding a few modifications to make it my own unique vehicle..

...Residing under the hood is a 4.6L V8 engine. It may not be the most economical, or environmental choice, but there are few things in this world better than a good V8 engine.

    And good it is. The engine is of the 'Triton' series: Which has a  reputation for being extremely reliable. So far, this reputation has rang true, as the only part that has broken in it's lifetime is an exhaust manifold (which I still need to get around to replacing).

Monday, 16 July 2012


-Brian Sturgess-

-July 16th, 2012-


    If you're reading this, then you're most likely wondering what this blog's about. Well, to put it in simple terms: this blog is here so I can talk about myself. Quite simply, I've been doing a lot of fun projects, and I thought it would be neat to show off these projects to see what the public thinks of them.

     I will be using this blog to showcase the projects I've completed, the projects I'm working on, the projects I'm involved in, and even some projects of mine that have not yet come to fruition. These Projects will all follow the general theme of Mechanics and Computers, as I'm very interested in those fields, and I'm planning on a career involving them.

    So please make yourself at home here, give me feedback if you want, all in all, take what you want from reading this blog.